Multi Dimensional Dynamically Allocated Arrays

There is a nice trick to get a dynamically backed contiguous amount of memory to index like a static array. This is easy to find on the internet, however even thought the C++ standard talks about how to do a 3D version I could not find any example code.

From the C++ standard page (

“operator[] can only take one subscript. In order to provide multidimensional array access semantics, e.g. to implement a 3D array access a[i][j][k] = x;, operator[] has to return a reference to a 2D plane, which has to have its own operator[] which returns a reference to a 1D row, which has to have operator[] which returns a reference to the element. To avoid this complexity, some libraries opt for overloading operator() instead, so that 3D access expressions have the Fortran-like syntax a(i, j, k) = x;”

To be clear, this is what we are trying to obtain:

    array a;
    a.setDimensions(3, 4, 5);
    a[2][0][4] = 42;
    // ... vs ...
    a(2, 0, 4) = 42;

So here it is how the C syntax style can be done for 3D.

First the version that explains in detail what is going on. Here you can see the plane object talked about in the standard. This does not return a reference as the size is small enough.

struct array
	struct row
		row(array* array, int i, int j) 
			: _array{array}, _i{i}, _j{j} {};
		inline int &operator[](int k) 
			assert(k < _array->_kSize);
			int offset = 
				(_i * _array->_kSize * _array->_jSize) +
				(_j * _array->_kSize) +
			return *(_array->_data + offset); 
		int		_i;
		int		_j;
		array*	_array;
	struct plane
		plane(array* array, int i) 
			: _array{array}, _i{i} {};
		inline row operator[](int j) 
			assert(j < _array->_jSize); 
			row newRow(_array , _i, j); 
			return newRow;
		int	_i;
		array*	_array;
	inline plane operator[](int i)
		assert(i < this->_iSize);
		plane newPlane(this, i); 
		return newPlane;
	void setDimensions(int x, int y, int z)
		_iSize = x;
		_jSize = y;
		_kSize = z;
1	}
	int		_data[24];
	int		_iSize{1};
	int		_jSize{1};
	int		_kSize{1};

This is a faster version that uses the typical approach where the returned value is a pointer to the objects so that the last [ ] addressing is done ‘for free’.

struct arrayFast
	struct plane
		plane(int* data, int kSize) 
			: _data{data}, _kSize{kSize} {};
		inline int* operator[](int j)
			return _data + j * _kSize;
		int*	_data;
		int	_kSize;
	inline plane operator[](int i)
		int offset = i * _jSize * _kSize;
		plane newPlane(_data + offset, _kSize);
		return newPlane;
	void setDimensions(int x, int y, int z)
		_iSize = x;
		_jSize = y;
		_kSize = z;
	int		_data[24];
	int		_kSize{1};
	int		_jSize{1};
	int		_iSize{1};

Finally the recommended solution of using operator() instead.

struct arrayFaster
	inline int& operator()(int i, int j, int k)
		int offset = (i * _kSize * _jSize) + (j * _kSize) + (k);
		return *(_data + offset);
	void setDimensions(int x, int y, int z)
		_kSize = z;
		_jSize = y;
		_iSize = x;
	int		_data[24];
	int		_iSize{1};
	int		_jSize{1};
	int		_kSize{1};

This last one looks much easier to understand and you would expect it to be the fastest solution as well. The code is direct and the maths in one place.

I did a quick check on Godbolt ( and it looks like the 2nd and last options are very similar in instructions. I did not speed test these, but it is interesting enough that for now I will be using the traditional C syntax solution.

Never Nester, Goto, RAII, and Defer

Coding when you are using an OS or library that requires a series of calls that build on each other to get the final result requires a set of checks to make sure each stage is successful. If some of the stages also require it partner call to free/close/destroy the items, then the programming logic requires you to be careful in how you tear down the items if there is an error in the middle of the process.

This can be coded several ways, and this post discusses a series of approaches in C++. The code selected for the example is performing Windows OS calls. These are done at the lowest API level without any other library or framework. The code has three places where tear down is required. The flow is complex enough to stop a simple reorganisation of the code to perform the same task. There is no addition error management present so make it easier to read. It is a fully working program and it gets a list of USB devices that the program is allowed access to.

Continue reading “Never Nester, Goto, RAII, and Defer”

Reasons for Using C++ 17

Using the logic that we should use tools that are as simple as possible and only adopt complexity where it is absolutely necessary, it feels like I could use a very early version of C++. What follows are the reasons why I have increased that to C++17. The idea will be to only use these feature and no more. Any new use will be add to this page.

#if !((defined(_MSVC_LANG) && _MSVC_LANG >= 201703L) || __cplusplus >= 201703L)
    #error Requires C++17 or higher
Continue reading “Reasons for Using C++ 17”

C++ Coding Standards

The following is not intended to generate a holy war, but merely a place for me to remind myself of the decisions I took along the way to get to a consistent style for any new code that I write.

#pragma warning( push, 3 )
#include <stdio.h>
#pragma warning( pop )

// /Wall Used. Compiler warnings turned off.
#pragma warning (disable :  5045) // Spectre code insertion warning.

class entity
    static constexpr size_t     _maxEntities = 1000;
    entity(char* name)
        _name = name;
    void set()
    char    _name[8];

inline float _floor(const float& a)
    if (a == 0.0f) return 0.0f;
    return floorf(a);
Continue reading “C++ Coding Standards”